Amazon Web Services

Command-Line Interface(s)

In this course:

  • Presentation of multiple CLI tools for AWS
    • EC2 API/AMI tools
    • Euca2ools
    • S3cmd
    • AWS CLI


Many available tools

Getting your AWS credentials

Be careful: you should never use your Master account credentials in production!!

Instead, create specific users with reduces ACL with AMI

An AWS credential:

  • An access key
  • A secret key

Getting your AWS credentials

  1. Log into the administration console at
  2. Click on your name, then on “Security credentials”
  3. Create an access key-pair

Creating a AMI user

  1. In the console, go to AMI
  2. Click on the “Users” menu
  3. Click on “Create user”
  4. Download the credentials in a CSV file file



A unified client for most AWS services

  • Based on Python 2/3
  • Simple semantics

aws <service> <commande> <options>

  • Can take JSON as input
  • Produces JSON output by default


To install (Linux and OSX):

  1. pip install awscli
  2. You’re done.

To install (Windows):

  1. Follow the instructions:
  2. Waste a lot of time

Test it: aws help


Via a configuration file generated with aws configure

  • Multiple profiles (–profile option)
  • Multiple output format (JSON, text, table)

export AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT="table"

or explicitely with --output

or in the configuration file ~/.aws/config in the default section: output=text

Configuration (~/.aws/config)

aws_access_key_id=<default access key>
aws_secret_access_key=<default secret key>
region=us-west-1  # optional, to define default region for this profile

aws_access_key_id=<testing access key>
aws_secret_access_key=<testing secret key>

Useful commands

  • Launch an instance aws run-instances --image-id <value> --key-name <value> --security-groups <value>

  • Show instances aws describe-instances

  • Stop an instance aws terminate-instances --instance-ids <value>

Useful commands (2)

  • Create a security group aws create-security-group --group-name <value> --description <value>

  • Add a rule aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name <value> --protocol tcp --port <value> --cidr <value>

  • Delete a rule aws revoke-security-group-ingress --group-name <value> --protocol <value> --port <value> --cidr <value>

More commands:

  • List services supported by AWS CLI: aws help

  • Help and list of commands for a specific service: aws s3 help



  • Via your packet manager:
    • apt-get install euca2ools
    • yum install euca2ools
    • brew install euca2ools
  • Manual (requires Python 2.6+, Boto and M2Crypto)
    • curl –O
    • tar xvfz ./euca2ools-3.1.1.tar.xz
    • cd euca2ools-3.1.1
    • sudo python install


In ~/.euca/conf.ini

default-region = <region>

[user default]
key-id = XXX
secret-key = XXX

[region aws:*]
user = default

[region aws:eu-west-1]
ec2-url = https://ec2.<region>

Misc commands

List regions

  • euca-tools:

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 describe-regions

List availability zones in a region

  • euca-tools:

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 describe-availability-zones

Manage Key-Pairs

Create a SSH key-pair

  • euca-tools:
    euca-create-keypair <key-pair name>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 create-key-pair –key-name <key-pair name>

Import an existing SSH key-pair

  • euca-tools:
    euca-import-keypair -f <public key file> <key-pair name>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 import-key-pair --public-key-material <public key file> –-key-name <key-pair name>

List key-pairs

  • euca-tools:

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 describe-key-pairs

Manage instances

List instances

  • euca-tools:

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 describe-instances

Get details about an instance

  • euca-tools:
    euca-describe-instances <id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 describe-instances --instances-ids <id>

aws ec2 discribe-instances --filters "Name=instance-type,Value=m1.small"

Run an instance

  • euca-tools:
euca-run-instances <ami id> \
	--region eu-west-1 -g <sec-group name> \
	-t <instance type> -k <key-pair name> -n 4
  • aws cli:
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id <ami id> \
	--security-groups <sec-group name> \
	--instance-type <instance type>  --key-name <key-pair name> \
	--count 4

Pause an instance

  • euca-tools: euca-stop-instances <id>

  • aws cli: aws ec2 stop-instance –-instance-ids <id>

Resume an instance

  • euca-tools: euca-start-instances <id>

  • aws cli: aws ec2 start-instance –-instance-ids <id>

Terminate an instance

  • euca-tools:
    euca-terminate-instances <id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 terminate-instances –-instance-ids <id>

Reboot an instance (EBS-backed only)

  • euca-tools: euca-reboot-instances <id>

  • aws cli: aws ec2 reboot-instances –-instances-ids <id>

SSH into an instance

ssh -i <key file> <user>@<ip or dns>

Depending on the AMI, user can be ec2-users, ubuntu, …


Create a security group

  • euca-tools:
    euca-create-group <group name> --description "<description>"

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 create-security-group –-group-name <group name> -–description "<description>"

Add a rule

  • euca-tools:
```euca-authorize <group name> -P tcp -p <port> -s```
  • aws cli:
aws ec2 authorized-security-group-ingress –-group-name <group name> \
	–-protocol tcp –-port <port> –-cidr

(Optional --egress, ingress by default.)

Delete a rule

  • euca-tools:
euca-revoke <group name> -P tcp -p <port> -s
  • aws cli:
aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress –-group-name <group name> \
	–-protocol tcp –-port <port> –-cidr

(Optional --egress, ingress by default.)

Delete a security group

  • euca-tools: euca-delete-group <group name>

  • aws cli: aws ec2 delete-security-group –-group-name <group name>

Allocate a fixed IP

  • euca-tools: euca-allocate-address

  • aws cli: aws ec2 allocate-address

Free a fixed IP

  • euca-tools: euca-release-adress <ip>

  • aws cli: aws ec2 release-address –-public-ip <ip>

Allocate a fixed IP to an instance

  • euca-tools: euca-associate-address -i <id> <ip>

  • aws cli: aws ec2 associate-address –-instance-id <id> --public-ip <ip>

Detach a fixed IP from an instance

  • euca-tools: euca-deassociate <ip>

  • aws cli: aws ec2 disasscotiate-address –public-ip <ip>

Block storage

Create a volume

  • euca-tools:
    euca-create-volume --zone <avail. zone> --size <size in GB>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 create-volume –-availability-zone <avail. zone> –-size <size in GB>

Attach a volume to an instance

  • euca-tools:
    euca-attach-volume -i <instance id> -d <device> <volume-id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 attach-volume –-instance-id <id> --volume-id <volume-id> --device <device>

Detach a volume from an instance

  • euca-tools:
    euca-detach-volume -i <instance id> <volume-id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 detach-volume –instance-id <id> --volume-id <volume-id>

Detach a volume from all instances

  • euca-tools:
    euca-detach-volume <volume-id>

  • aws cli:
    aws detach-volume –-volume-id <volume-id>

Note: attaching an EBS volume to multiple instances is generally a bad idea!

Delete a volume

  • euca-tools:
    euca-delete-volume <volume-id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 delete-volume –-volume-id <volume-id>

Create a snapchot

  • euca-tools:
    euca-create-snaphot <volume-id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 create-snapshot –-volume-id <volume-id>

Tip: successive snapchots are created incrementally.

Snapchots are created asynchronously.

Create a volume from a snapchot

  • euca-tools:
    euca-create-volume --zone <avail. zone> --snapshot <snapshot-id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 create-volume –-availability-zone <avail. zone> --snapshot-id <snapshot-id>

Get information from a snapchot

  • euca-tools:
    euca-describe-snapshots <volume-id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 describe-snapshots –-snapshot-id <snapshot-id>

Delete a snapchot

  • euca-tools:
    euca-delete-snapshot <volume-id>

  • aws cli:
    aws ec2 delete-snapshot –-snapshot-id <snapshot-id>

Format a mounted EBS volume

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb && mount /dev/sdb/ /mnt/disk1

Note: it is recommended to unmount EBS volumes while creating a snapchot to avoid data corruption.


A swiss army knife for S3


  1. sudo pip install s3cmd
  2. Done


  • Interactive setup: s3cmd --configure
  • Configuration stored in $HOME/.s3cfg

Managing buckets

  • List buckets: s3cmd ls
  • Create a bucket: s3cmd mb s3://<bucket>
  • List the content of a bucket s3cmd ls S3://<bucket>

Managing files

  • Upload to a bucket: s3cmd put <file> s3://<bucket>
  • Upload to a bucket: (public file): s3cmd put --acl-public --guess-mime <file> s3://<bucket>
  • Download from a bucket: s3cmd get s3://<bucket>/<file>

Managing files (2)

  • Remove a file: s3cmd del s3://<bucket>/<file>
  • Remove a bucket (must be empty): s3cmd rb s3://<bucket>
  • Copy a file s3cmd cp s3://<bucket>/<file> 
s3://<other bucket>/
  • Move a file s3cmd mv s3://<bucket>/<file> 

Managing files (3)

  • Get info about a file: s3cmd info s3://<bucket>
  • Show used disk space: s3cmd du s3://<bucket>
  • Synchronize a directory with a bucket (similar to rsync): s3cmd sync test/ s3://<bucket>/