Internship opening

Gilles Fedak, Frédéric Suter and I are currently looking for an intern to work with us on Active Data and real-life physics experiments at the ENS Lyon and CC-IN2P3 during spring 2015.

Download the internship description here.

The internship as described in the offer fits mainly a professional Master’s student as it is more focused on software development and experimentation than research. However, it can be adapted to a 3rd year Licence student or 2nd year IUT.

This internship is a good opportunity to discover a computer science research lab and play with exciting stuff like high performance software and Grid’5000.

Feel free to contact me for further details.

NB : l’annonce est rédigée en Anglais pour être accessible à plus de monde mais la maitrise de la langue n’est absolument pas obligatoire et le stage peut tout à fait se dérouler en Français.