
This page contains recent and previous teaching materials.

2016 — 2017

My current teaching is at the Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique in the engineering program:

2015 — 2016

Teaching at Institut Mines-Télécom Atlantique in the engeineering program:

  • Lectures and TP of Développement pour le Cloud (Amazon Web Services)
  • TP of Développement pour le Cloud, MapReduce (Hadoop) with Shadi Ibrahim

2012 — 2013

I tought these courses at the University of Lyon:

  • [LIF3] TP Algorithms and Functional Programming
  • [LIF12] TD & TP Operating Systems
  • [MIF32] TP Parallelism
  • [LIFSTAGE] Internship reviewing

2013 — 2014

Also at the University of Lyon:

  • [LIF12] TD & TP of Operating Systems
  • [MIF32] TP of Parallelism