
Short paper at PDP 2015

PDP 2015 will take place in Turku, Finland from March 4th to 6th. I will present our short paper entitled “Using Active Data to Provide Smart Data Surveillance to E-Science Users”, coauthored with Ian Foster and Kyle Chard from the Computation Institute of the University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab.
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publications conferences
Publication à ComPAS'2014

J’ai récemment présenté un article à la conférence francophone ComPAS’2014 qui a eu lieu à Neuchâtel, dans la session parallélisme. L’article en question n’est pas une simple traduction d’un autre article en anglais, il met l’accent sur la nécessité de fournir un modèle pour représenter le cycle de vie des données présentes dans n’importe quel système de gestion de données distribuées.
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publications conferences
Talk at the University of Chicago

I will give a talk at the University of Chicago Computation Institute on Tuesday November 26th at 12pm.

The talk will be about Active Data: a model and execution system to expose and react to distributed data life cycles. You can download the slides here.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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Publication at PDSW'13

On Monday November 18th 2013 I will present a paper about Active Data at the 8th Parallel Data Storage Workshop held in conjunction with the SC’13 conference in Denver, Colorado.

The paper, entitled “Active Data: A Data-Centric Approach to Data Life-Cycle Management”, describes the benefits of a data-centric approach to distributed data life cycle management.
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publications conferences
First publication

It is called “Towards Scalable Data Management for Map-Reduce-based Data-Intensive Applications on Cloud and Hybrid Infrastructures” and you can get the fulltext on the Publications page.

This paper presents the work that has been done yet by MapReduce project funded by the French National Research Agency. Its topic is running MapReduce computations on hybrid distributed infrastructures (clusters, grids, desktop grids and clouds).
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publications conferences